PWN Global is a global movement of people working towards gender balanced leadership through professional development and international, cross-industry, online and in-person networking.    


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♦ Sugestão de leitura 

“A agenda estratégica da sua PME já inclui a mentoria?”, por Anita Haensler, coordenadora técnica do Programa de Mentoring da PWN Lisbon

Já se encontra disponível o segundo artigo de opinião da PWN Lisbon para a PMW Magazine Portugal, no âmbito da nossa mais recente parceria editorial.  Leia o artigo, aqui:

♦ Assembleia Geral 2024 | Mensagem da Presidente


Apresentao AG_PWN Lisbon - 25 maro 2024

♦ Consulte a agenda de eventos da PWN Lisbon, PWN Global, e restantes City Networks em Events


Learn, connect, share, advance globally

Benefits of membership


We offer you a home, a place to learn from like-minded individuals; develop new skills (via our tried and tested volunteering program), air your professional concerns and frustrations and find solutions! Become a member of the PWN Global community and you can:

  • Access a ready-built support network that will help you achieve your professional aspirations
  • Learn from a wealth of practical advice on how to deal with inequality in the workplace

Become a member - individual our throught your company - and access in-depth knowledge that will support your organization in putting gender balance at the very core of your operations.

Connect, share, learn, advance – yourself and the world!


PWN Lisbon Garden Corporate Partners


PWN Lisbon Flower Corporate Partners





PWN Lisbon Non-Corporate Partners



 PWN Lisbon Editorial Collaborations:





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Welcome to PWN Lisbon!

A PWN Lisbon, formalmente constituída em 2011, consiste numa organização sem fins lucrativos integrada na PWN Global, com a missão de promover o desenvolvimento profissional das mulheres em todas as suas etapas, através de práticas reconhecidas a nível internacional, nomeadamente programas de formação em liderança e mentoring, investigação e desenvolvimento da rede de networking e partilha de modelos de excelência. A PWN Lisbon conta, atualmente, com mais de 1800 membros - Premium Members, Corporate Members, e Free Users, registados na plataforma, entre mulheres e homens, de diferentes faixas etárias e com total diversificação de funções, setores e culturas. Alinhada com o seu objetivo de liderar a definição e implementação de iniciativas inovadoras no acompanhamento contínuo e na promoção das mulheres nas suas carreiras, a PWN Lisbon dinamiza um conjunto de programas e iniciativas inovadores – Youth, Mentoring, Neuroleadership e Engaging All - e pequenos-almoços de networking, workshops e ações de role model e partilha de boas práticas com personalidades de referência nos mais diferentes setores do tecido empresarial português.

Siga-nos em,  LinkedInFacebook ou Instagram 


Para rever e voltar a ouvir:

⇒ 10 podcasts, alojados em: SoundCloud, divulgados ao longo de 2022 para que a nossa comunidade de membros e o público em geral desfrutem com tempo de conversas que também foram feitas com tempo, a contraciclo. Porque a inspiração acontece quando temos os olhos, e os ouvidos, atentos, demorados em qualquer lugar.

⇒ Momentos e testemunhos das celebrações dos 10 anos da PWN Lisbon em Lisbon | 10 Anos

What's Hot #01

Survey reveals progress towards gender equality

Women have more independence, and a greater portion of men are involved in the housework in 2019 than in 2015, according to a recently revealed survey conducted by USAID’s Nobo Jatra project and led by World Vision Bangladesh. 


What's Hot #02

What Is the ‘Broken Rung,’ and How Can Companies Fix It?

It’s just one promotion. What’s the big deal? Historically, women getting passed over for promotions early in their careers can translate into a very big deal. When fewer women get promoted to management positions earlier in their careers, it follows that there are fewer women to promote to...


What we offer

  • Neuroleadership Program
    Neuroleadership Program

    Neuroleadership Program THE PROGRAM PWN Lisbon Neuroleadership Program offers you a hand...

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  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is recognised as cost-effective and impactful way to prepare future business lea...

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  • Engaging All
    Engaging All

    A wide research shows that a broad set of business benefit is associated with gender diver...

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  • Networking / Events
    Networking / Events

    Networking is one of the single most powerful ways to boost your career - our mantra: conn...

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    Through the YOUTH PROGRAM, PWN LISBON aims to be the leading network in Portugal for young...

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  • PWN Lisbon PODCAST
    PWN Lisbon PODCAST

    PWN Lisbon lança 10 “Shots Inspiracionais” em registo podcast Há carreiras, aliás,...

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PWN Global Q1 Newsletter

Check out our Q1 Newsletter - featuring the introduction of our International Mentoring Programme 2024 and Women on Boards. Read more by clicking here.

Our global federation of city network partners

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